
$ 4.344,55

-$ 85,85

Precios de Referencia FFP - 1/2023

$ 3.573

Indicadores Precios de Referencia FEP - 09/2024

IPML $ 4.431.268 - IPME $ 4.228.233

Precio de referencia FFP – 12/2023:

Precio de referencia del aceite de palma crudo para el cálculo de la cuota del Fondo de Fomento Palmero de acuerdo con la Resolución 0536 del 29 de diciembre expedida por el Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural.

Indicadores precios de referencia FEP – 09/2024

  1. IPML: Indicador precio paridad de importación de referencia para el aceite de palma crudo en el mercado local del mes de septiembre de 2024. (Resolución FEP 262/ 2024)
  2. IPME: Indicador precio paridad de exportación de referencia para el aceite de palma crudo en el mercado de exportación (Zona Centro – Mercado Europa) del mes de septiembre 2024. (Resolución FEP 262/ 2024)


Zero deforestation commitment

The Colombian palm sector is committed to a deforestation-free development, preserving our biodiversity and in harmony with the natural riches of the palm growing regions.

Colombia is one of the few megadiverse countries in the world. Its forests, jungles, wetlands, páramos, savannahs, rivers, lakes, and other ecosystems host countless species and an unrivaled natural wealth. Our biodiversity is also present in the agricultural sphere, and the productive sectors play a significant role in its conservation.

Therefore, the environmental management of planned projects begins from their conceptualization in order to ensure that the crops and processing plants do not affect protected areas, forests, or other environmentally essential ecosystems, and that the area intended for the project has an adequate environmental supply of water and other natural resources. The design of the palm lots includes identifying the ecosystems and habitats to be maintained as conservation areas as well as the landscape management tools (riparian corridors, conservation corridors, shrubberies, nectar plants, etc.), including natural vegetation into the productive system to provide ecosystem services such as pollination, biological pest and diseases control, formation of soils, and protection of riverbeds.

These natural areas also favor the conservation of biodiversity in the palm regions. The operation of the crops and processing plants promotes technologies and practices that: efficiently use water, soil, and resources; reduce the creation of solid wastes, atmospheric emissions and discharges; reduce the contaminant effect by using the biomass resulting from the process to return nutrients to the crops; create renewable energies; manufacture other products, thus promoting a circular economy; and, finally, to position Colombian palm oil in domestic and international markets thanks to its environmental commitment and development.

According to the First Great Employment Survey in the Palm Sector conducted by Fedepalma and DANE, the national palm oil agribusiness has a formal hiring rate of 82.4%.

Facts and graphs

Colombia’s sustainable palm oil program
Environment facts what colombian palm oil sector has done
Suitable areas for oil palm cultivation in Colombia
Colombian oil palm sector: potential development deforestation free