
$ 4.160,31

+$ 28,20

Precios de Referencia FFP - 1/2023

$ 3.573

Indicadores Precios de Referencia FEP - 06/2024

IPML $3.697.754 - IPME $3.616.187

Precio de referencia FFP – 12/2023:

Precio de referencia del aceite de palma crudo para el cálculo de la cuota del Fondo de Fomento Palmero de acuerdo con la Resolución 0536 del 29 de diciembre expedida por el Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural.

Indicadores precios de referencia FEP – 06/2024

  1. IPML: Indicador precio paridad de importación de referencia para el aceite de palma crudo en el mercado local del mes de junio de 2024. (Resolución FEP 259/ 2024)
  2. IPME: Indicador precio paridad de exportación de referencia para el aceite de palma crudo en el mercado de exportación (Zona Centro – Mercado Europa) del mes de junio 2024. (Resolución FEP 259/ 2024)


The social palm

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Oil palm promotes economic and social development in the communities. As of 2018, oil palm was cultivated in 160 municipalities in 21 departments of the country, creating approximately 190 thousand jobs and benefiting thousands of families. A study conducted by Fedesarrollo titled “Characterization of labor in the Colombian palm sector” showed that this activity creates formal and stable jobs, with effects on improving the living standards of the workers and their families.

This sector is one of the leading promoters and examples of the Productive Strategic Alliances between large, medium and small farmers, and contributes to the adequate exploitation of the land as well as to the competitiveness of the agribusiness sector.

There are approximately 138 partnerships altogether in the palm regions, equal to over 60 thousand hectares planted with palm. In turn, the sector involves about 5.000 smallholders who are engaged in this activity, equal to over 51 thousand hectares planted. Thus, this is one of the industries that generates the most social and economic inclusion in Colombian agriculture.

Furthermore, palm growers have developed social programs mainly aimed at providing necessary assistance to families, early childhood, the elderly, and others, with approximately 13 corporate foundations which offer progress and wellbeing to communities in palm growing areas to date.

cases colombian sustainable palm oil

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Voices of the Colombian Oil Palm: Marcos and Celmira

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Voices of the Colombian Oil Palm:

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Voices of the Colombian Oil Palm: Caraballo Family

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Voices of the Colombian Oil Palm: Eyder and Ruth

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Voices of the Colombian Oil Palm:

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Voices of the Colombian Oil Palm:

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Bonding families in the oil palm communities

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Creating opportunities for young population in rural areas

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Creating new opportunities for housing in rural areas